Broken Heart Tarot Card


I was nearing the end of my daily nap, and all of a sudden, with my eyes closed and wearing a sleep mask, I saw scrolling black letters on a purple background. They were backward and tumbling chaotically. I tried not to see them, but they persisted, so I relaxed into it and heard words that I must say today, the Fourth of July, the day our forefathers signed The Declaration of Independence.

I am not sharing about "politics"; I'm sharing what I feel about the chance we'll lose our hard-won freedoms on election day this November.

Women have had to fight to have the right to control our bodies, only to have those rights snatched away by a male-dominated and right-leaning Supreme Court.

Women have had to work harder to get high-level jobs that pay less than their male counterparts.

Women who were raped often have to endure agonizing interrogations about it, so many of them do not report it and carry the scars for life.

The list could go on and on, but you understand what I'm getting at. Women have gotten a raw deal, and it will get even worse if we elect someone who is disrespectful of women, disrespectful of people of color, disrespectful of the laws of this land, and who, after the latest Supreme Court ruling, will have the powers of an oligarch with little we can do to stop him.

I am concerned about the future of my beloved country.

I am concerned about the future of women's rights.

I am concerned about the future of people of color.

I am concerned about the future of non-Christians.

I am concerned about the future of people who speak up against the injustices that are bound to happen. 

I am concerned about the future of elders on Medicare and Social Security.


I know the choices for our next President are critical.


I do NOT want a King with unlimited powers to rule over us.

I do NOT want a King who is disrespectful of women.

I do NOT want a King who only thinks of themself and what he can extract from the rest of us.

I do NOT want a King who would execute his perceived enemies by Executive Order.

I do NOT want a King who is bat-shit crazy!


As an 81-year-old like Joe Biden, I understand what stress can do to our short-term memory. It fucks it up for a brief period, and we can struggle to find the right words.

I have had this happen when I've been stressed. And I don't have a debate opponent who uses a technique designed to stress me to the max because he knows his opponent stuttered since he was a child…like Joe.

Joe surrounds himself with competent younger people who have helped him create one of the most successful Presidencies in our history.

Joe has a WOMAN Vice-President who supports him and would be very capable of stepping in should he no longer be able to fulfill his presidential duties.

I must prepare myself and decide what to do if the unthinkable happens and our beloved country falls into oligarchical hands. 

I will be voting for Joe in November.

I know I may lose some of you by writing this, but I must say it.

I trust and respect you to make the choice that's right for you.


I am sending you love and fortitude in these trying times - Taru





Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring