NA-Moom Card

My Tarot Card for this Love-Letter

This week, two women I know left their bodies for the other shore. I've been having a rough time emotionally since the Eclipse on the 8th, and these two departures were especially difficult for me. When I saw this card, I knew it was to remind me to trust my intuition. This card will resonate deeply with my former Women of the Full Moon Facebook group members, of which my friend Adina, who passed yesterday, was a part.

This Love-Letter is a little shorter than usual as I am processing the loss of these two women and my own low-energy, transitional space.


Do You Trust Your Intuition?

What's weird is I had been thinking of these two women over the past couple of weeks, and, in the past, that would have prompted me to connect with them as soon as possible. Because I have been re-evaluating my own life path for a couple of weeks, I did not reach out to them right away and had planned to do it this weekend. I should have trusted my intuition and done so sooner.

Mary-HelenThe first woman was formerly a Trainer in our previous fitness studio in California , Mary-Helen McMahon. She left her body earlier this week after a protracted struggle with illness. Mary-Helen was a strong-willed, super-effective woman and SafeStrength Trainer.

And, while we could butt heads at times, I totally respected her energy, training skills, and dedication to her clients. We had lost touch over the past few years, but I heard about her passing through a mutual friend, Elaine Robesky, who was also a Trainer at our fitness studio.  They became quite close, and I know M-H's passing is difficult for her, so, Elaine, I am sending you much love and blessings.


AdinaThe second woman was one of my dearest spiritual friends, Adina Parsley, who left her body yesterday morning surrounded by family and friends. I learned about it from a mutually close friend, Pradipo, yesterday afternoon as James and I were returning home from shopping. I immediately felt bereft and tears fell.  Adina was a very special woman friend to me.

I met her when we lived in Oregon in a spiritual commune, Rajneeshpuram, in the mid-80's. She was an M.D. who practiced in our medical clinic and I was the Assistant to the clinic's Coordinator. She was an excellent and caring Doctor with whom I immediately felt comfortable and loved spending time with. We were part of a group of medical clinic workers who grew to count on one another for support in our demanding duties and avoiding the wrath of the Coordinator, who was not an easy person to get along with.

Some years after we had all left the Ranch (as it was unofficially called) Adina and her close friend, Toshi visited James and I in our newly constructed strawbale home in New Mexico. It was as if we'd never been apart and so much fun. That was the last time I saw her in real life.

A couple of years ago I created a group on Facebook for a few former Ranch residents, and Adina was part of it. I loved having her there as she was so warm, so funny, and clear thinking. By this time her ongoing illness had her in a wheelchair full time, but you'd never know it. She was living in Washington state with her man, Sammy, and managing to also take care of him as he neared the end of his 95 years. Sammy left his body last Summer. She never complained and was always supportive of our group members.

I was planning to call her today and, if I'd listened to my intuition earlier in the week, I would have had a chance for a last encounter with her. I so wish I had listened to my inner voice; it never fails me!

So, I encourage you in the strongest terms to listen to your inner voice and follow through with what needs to be done. Trust yourself! I so wish I had.



“Sisterhood is the phenomenon that occurs when women quit seeing each other as mirrors, or reflections of themselves, and start seeing each other as one-of-a-kind works of art.

Sisterhood happens when women view each other as deep wells of support and inspiration — as teammates — instead of competitors.

Sisterhood happens between women who are secure enough to stop being afraid of each other; who do not feel that another woman’s different life choices are a judgment of her own choices.

Sisterhood happens when we become curious instead of defensive about our differences.

Sisterhood does not require the same beliefs or thoughts or political parties or churches.
Peace is not about becoming the same; it’s about becoming okay with being different."

meditation by art (Poster)
Rumi and Spiritual quotes (Group)

(On Facebook)


My Gift To You - You Deserve It!

You are a loyal subscriber to my Love-Letters, so I want to gift you a complimentary 45-minute Call-A-Crone Virtual Chat. This is NOT a sales call; it's meant to help you  shed light on any situation with which you feel you need some quick, no obligation help.

And, if you like, I will also gift you one of my 3-card Tarot readings!

I love doing this work and have time in my schedule right now, before my 1:1 coaching/mentoring begins in May. So click on this link now to schedule,  or drop me an email to or call me at 650-995-4343 right away. It's going to be transformative!



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this Love-Letter, forward it to them. If they sign up to continue receiving it,  they'll receive my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging!

Oh, and my "Gift", above, is also available to any of your friends who you feel might benefit from it. They do NOT need to subscribe to this Love-Letter but, I'd love it if they do.

Love and many Blessings to you - Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring