Hands on HeartWith this issue of my "Newsletter," I am changing the name to Love-Letter. "Newsletter" is BORING and old school. I want to create more LOVE in the world we occupy and am using these Love-Letters to do so.  So, be ready for some lovin'! I am so grateful you are reading these and commenting on the matching Blog post. You are part of a Tribe in the midst of being created, and I welcome you with open arms and a heart filled with love and gratitude. 



While watching the documentary on Netflix called American Commune, I saw something that touched me so deeply that I began to cry. In the 1970s, 300 young people caravanned from San Francisco in buses to a small rural area in Tennessee to start a commune that would come to be called The Farm. One of their new neighbors related that she hid in a closet out of fear they would kill her. She was so afraid of “Hippies.” That label led her to believe untruthful and frightening things about a group of young people who were not a threat to anyone in any way.

I realized we humans use labels to categorize each other and saw how detrimental that is to us individually and as a society. It puts those people, and other things we label, in a box constructed by our minds and leaves little room for exploration or even understanding of them.

Labels make us lazy. We don’t look past the labels to discover the truth about what we’re labeling, and we make assumptions.

Some examples of labels are:

  • Old woman and old man
  • Young woman (yes, think about this one; it’s also Ageist)
  • Liberal
  • Conservative
  • Redneck
  • Snowflake
  • Woke
  • Republican
  • Democrat
  • Gay
  • Buddhist
  • Christian
  • Muslim

You get the idea. Once we apply a label to someone else, we have a whole set of assumptions that separate us from the person being labeled. Instead of keeping an open mind about them, we become closed and may even fear and hate them.

I refuse to do this any longer, and I will relate to each person as a human being, NOT a label. I’m fairly sure we humans want pretty much the same things from life; a safe and comfortable home base, the funds needed to maintain our life and put food on the table, our families well taken care of, time to play and to love, friends to hang out with, support and share ourselves with, decent and humane healthcare, to name a few. I’m sure you can think of some more.

Others' views about politics, religion, and race have little bearing on my life and, when discussed, often lead to misunderstandings, arguments, negativity, and even hatred.

Separating ourselves from others because of these differences doesn’t serve us or our planet.

In this time of cultural and planetary upheaval, we need to work together to create a loving and inclusive planet while we still have one.

I’m not suggesting overlooking cruelty, hatred, and environmental crises. No! We must work together to the best of our abilities to save our beautiful Planet Earth and create lives of purpose and passion.

We can start by helping others in need in any way we can, no matter how small. You needn’t be rich to make a difference. Offer someone who needs it a ride, share some excess groceries, save a cat or dog from euthanasia, call a friend to check in and see if they need any help and LISTEN, smile at strangers in the grocery store, help an Elder cross the street, comfort a crying child, recycle, and save water. Consider your daily actions and see if they help or hurt our human community and this beautiful and irreplaceable Earth.

So, remember, we are all in this together, and nobody’s getting out alive. Let’s make our lives count for more and foster peace, cooperation, kindness, and above all, love.

I'd love to hear what you think about this, so go here to comment, https://tarufisher.com/no-labels/



I'm fairly certain there are at least a few, if not more, women who read this Love-Letter and have their own businesses who don't love Marketing! Am I right? I hate it and couldn't figure out how to do it so I didn't feel "sleazy, like a used car salesman. Then I found a wonderful, brilliant woman named Simone Seol who had a Joyful Marketing course. The name intrigued me, so I looked into her program. I was blown away and fell in love with her and her refreshing outlook. She was retiring her Joyful Marketing program to change to a platform she calls "Home."  Because I joined before May 21st, I got access to all the JM materials! She still offers a free marketing Starter Pack,  which is available at https://www.simonegraceseol.com/starter-pack.

Joining Home was the best decision I ever made about my coaching business!  Check her out.



You’ve been getting older since the day you were born.

You wished it faster for many a year,

now you wish it would slow down and stop.

But asking your body to stop getting older, is begging for your growth to stop too.

Your growth as a human, as a soul.

For it’s only when you accept how time affects your body, that you can actually reap the benefits of the wisdom it brings with it.

Each line is a lesson learned or a hardship endured.

Those frown lines were once worries which you fought through.

Or perhaps it’s a line of laughter, a wonderful mark to bear.

Each grey hair is a shimmering stripe of life you have earned.

A story you can share with those who need to hear how you survived.

Your tale could be their saving.

Your purpose as a woman is to age my friend,

to grow more wise, more powerful, more beautiful.

Let the world see the beauty time has in store for you.

Trust that you are who you are meant to be now.

It’s time.

You’ve been ‘growing’ older since the day you were born,

what a wonderful thing.


- Donna Ashworth

 From ‘The right Words’ on all Amazon sites



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click on this link, http://bit.ly/3XeX6IK

I'm also soliciting feedback on which topics on aging are of interest to you, so I'd love to have a Virtual Chat about your specific aging concerns. Go here to schedule,  http://bit.ly/3GEKV1h



I’m offering an online, 2-hour workshop on September 15th, Medical Cannabis 101: A Woman's Guide to Safe & Effective Use, for the low price of $47! Watch this space in subsequent Love-Letters for more details. And let me know if you're interested by emailing me at taru@tarufisher.com. This doesn't obligate you in any way. I merely need a feel for the number of potential attendees. 

I also offer a Medical Cannabis Consultation for those who want more specific information and guidance related to their personal medical situation. 

If you’re interested in either of these programs, schedule a Virtual Chat with me at http://bit.ly/3GEKV1h or by emailing me at taru@tarufisher.com.



Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring