Today is very exciting for me as my best friend of over 50 years, Katrina, is arriving this afternoon to play with me for a full five days! We haven't seen each other for at least seven years, and I've missed her.
This means I am super busy getting our guest room cleared out of our "stuff" and cleaning the house (my regular cleaner did not show!), so this Love-Letter will be short today.
Here's a very old picture of us in the old days when we were attending an event together at Geetam, a spiritual community in SoCal. She's the beauty with the long hair, and I'm the short, curly haired one.
And here's Kat now:
You know what I look like, but in case you forgot, here I am now:
I hope you can love on and play with your long-time friends!
I'll be back next week with some tales from our adventures here in beautiful, stunning, enchanting New Mexico.
I've used this before but it is so appropriate for today, I'm using it again.
“Sisterhood is the phenomenon that occurs when women quit seeing each other as mirrors, or reflections of themselves, and start seeing each other as one-of-a-kind works of art.
Sisterhood happens when women view each other as deep wells of support and inspiration — as teammates — instead of competitors.
Sisterhood happens between women who are secure enough to stop being afraid of each other; who do not feel that another woman’s different life choices are a judgment of her own choices.
Sisterhood happens when we become curious instead of defensive about our differences.
Sisterhood does not require the same beliefs or thoughts or political parties or churches.
Peace is not about becoming the same; it’s about becoming okay with being different.
- meditation by art -Rumi and Spiritual quotes
A reminder about my planned move of these Love-Letters to Substack!
You'll have the option of subscribing to a free version or a paid version.
Instructions on how to switch to my Substack will be forthcoming, with a target date of August 31st, when you'll receive my last Love-Letter issue from my current platform, the Coaches Console.
This is my current plan for free and paid subscribers, and is subject to change as we go along. I must make sure I can be my best self and stay healthy, so I need to test things out first. Right now this feels very doable.
Free Subscriptions:
- Love-Letters with free content, twice a month.
- Podcasts after I get them going; probably by the end of this year, but hopefully sooner!
Paid Subscriptions:
- The cost is $8 a month or $80/year discounted, which is not a huge amount and one most of you can probably afford. Founding Members pay $240 annually and, in addition to all the perks (listed below), will receive four 60-minute individual Tarot/Mentoring sessions with me each year.
- All paid subscriptions include three to four Love-Letter issues each month, much like it is now, except this schedule allows me some breathing room if I occasionally need a break. And at 82, this is more likely than not.
- Paid subscriptions at any level supports my work and makes it possible for me to fulfill my purpose of empowering women to age consciously.
- Paid subscriptions also help us pay our living expenses. My husband is only able to work two days a week due to three serious health issues; I want and need to help with paying the bills. Our Social Security doesn't go very far these days!
Paid Subscription Perks:
A one-time complimentary Tarot Card reading/mentoring session for each paid subscriber.
- I'll do four individual ones each month for those who have not yet received one.
- It's on a first-come, first-served basis, so I'll keep a list of those who have already had one and those who are waiting for one.
- I want to be sure every paid subscriber has a chance to experience a complimentary Tarot reading!
- I'm also currently offering paid Tarot reading/mentoring, and my regular charge is $90 per 45-minute reading/mentoring. Paid subscribers will receive my discounted price of $65 per session.
- My third Extra will be a monthly Webinar on topics around Aging Consciously. These will occasionally feature otherwise Elderwomen sharing their gifts of wisdom. I already have a commitment for the first Webinar on September 23rd from 9 am MDT to 10:30 am MDT from my friend and award-winning Author, Lasell Bartlett, for her super powerful "Writing from the Inside" workshop, for which I pull Tarot cards for the writing prompts.
Why am I doing this? I have been extremely unhappy with the Coaches Console Newsletter platform, and Substack offers me some exciting possibilities.
- A way to imbed videos, do podcasts, etc..
- Easy entry to my website information so all my tools will be in one place.
- Confidence in the behind-the-scenes statistics.
Love and many Blessings to you - Taru