Hi Taru

If you read last Saturday's Love-Letter From the Confident Quirky Crone, I know you'll love this poem I received from one of my dear friends, Susan Schwartz, after she read my L-L. Enjoy!

Cranky Pants Experience

My cranky pants itch.

They make me feel scratchy and antsy.

When I relieve the irritation in one place

They start bothering me in another.


My cranky pants

Make terrible noises.

Like long blasphemous farts

They bellow loudly enough

To be heard across the room.

I don’t apologize.


My cranky pants

Are studded with spikes,

Perfect for keeping anyone – and everyone -- at bay.

I don’t have to say anything.

No one wants to get near

someone wearing irritating, smelly, spikey pants.


My cranky pants

Are an exceptional invention.

When I put them on they give me

A blanket excuse

For not doing anything I don’t want to do

Which is probably anything.


“I’m cranky pants” I say.

And the world melts away.


Sometime later when everyone has gone

I take a deep breath

And my cranky pants disappear.


I don’t particularly like being cranky pants,

But the truth is

Well maybe I do.



The Poetess is my dear friend, Susan Schwartz, of You Who Branding. She is a whiz with words and a genius at writing copy.

Thanks so much for reading my Love-Letters!


Love & Blessings – Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring