It snowed here today, and it was wonderful. We hadn't had any real snow for a couple of years so this was a treat. We started out to do some shopping but had to turn around as it was snowing so hard and visibility was getting worse, as we were driving on a very slippery 2-lane road. Here's a link to the short video I took in front of my house:


My Day Yesterday

This week, I'm changing up my focus for this Love-Letter. Last weeks was very serious, so I think my beloved readers deserve something lighter. So, here goes.

Yesterday, I woke up around 4:04 am. I was having difficulty getting back to sleep, which was worrisome for me because we had a very full day planned, so I picked up my iPad, got into Audible, and started listening to Joe Dispenza's You Are the Placebo. I find that almost always puts me back to sleep because the Aussie guy who is narrating it has such a melodious and soothing voice. And it did help me doze back off until around 6:00 am when I had to get up and get ready to go with James to his 9:00 am Medical appointment.

I have a regular morning routine of using this fabulous Ayurveda Experience Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring facial oil. I have never liked using cosmetics on my face, but for some reason, I took a chance on this product and fell absolutely in love with it. I gave a sample bottle to a friend who recently told me she didn't use it right away because she has an area of oily skin on her face and was leery of adding oil to it. She took the plunge and now adores it as much as I do. I am not an affiliate, but I may become one as I am so in love with all their products. 

This week, I'm changing up my focus for this Love-Letter. Last weeks was very serious, so I think my beloved readers deserve something lighter. So, here goes.

Yesterday. I woke up around 4:04 am. I was having difficulty getting back to sleep, which was worrisome for me because we had a very full day planned, so I picked up my iPad, got into Audible, and started listening to Joe Dispenza's You Are the Placebo. I find that almost always puts me back to sleep because the Aussie guy who is narrating it has such a melodious and soothing voice. And it did help me doze back off until around 6:00 am when I had to get up and get ready to go with James to his 9:00 am Medical appointment.

I have a regular morning routine of using this fabulous Ayurveda Experience Yauvari Amplified Youth-Spring facial oil. I have never liked using cosmetics on my face, but for some reason, I took a chance on this product and fell absolutely in love with it. I gave a sample bottle to a friend who recently told me she didn't use it right away because she has an area of oily skin on her face and was leery of adding oil to it. She took the plunge and now adores it as much as I do. I am not an affiliate, but I may become one as I am so in love with all their products. 


We got to James Naprapathic's appointment, and I settled into the Massage Chair the front desk gal, Justice, usually has saved for me to use while he's having his treatment. As usual, it was lovely, and I could read more of my Sleight of Mouth book for half an hour. This part of my day was relaxing!

As we were leaving, the Doctor asked my advice about making Cannabis edibles, and we had a lovely conversation about the dos and don'ts of using Cannabis. At the same time, James told her how he makes his cannabis cookies. That was lots of fun for me.

Then, we were off to Costco for weekly shopping, where I had to return something we had just bought because the price on the shelf was way wrong! When I put it in the cart, it showed $19.97, but after James checked out, and our bill was over $300 (eek), I reviewed the receipt, and the $20 item was $98! They had marked the shelf with the wrong price. It pays to look at your receipt before you leave the store.

My day was not yet over as we had to stop to eat lunch at Upscale Rio, our favorite burger joint, where I had a delicious Tortilla Burger. Then, we stopped at Natural Grocers for some organic veggies. Then, I was off to my friend Jen Jaciw's house to get a ride to the afternoon Women Make a Difference Networking meeting (WMAD). I was a bit early, so I hung out and chatted with her hubby, Alex, while she finished her career coaching calls with prospective clients.

 Whew! I'm tired just writing this. But wait, there's more.

 WMAD is probably the best networking group for women business owners in New Mexico, and I've been a member for several years. I love the Wednesday afternoon Inner Circle Achievers group, a small and intimate group of women who support one another, laugh, share ideas, and generally have a hoot load of fun. I was asked by Val Romero, the Founder and Head Honcho of WMAD, to give a testimonial at this month's in-person event, so I did. I forgot a couple of words (by then, it was my regular nap time), but jokester that I am, I got them laughing. I was also a Vendor, so I had to set up my vendor table, find a table of women to sit with and put cards on it. Phew!

Then, we had a very cool mini workshop on Crafting Your Pitch. Now, I generally don't like "pitching" myself, but this sounded fun, so I did it. And it was fun and turned out to be helpful. Here's my "pitch" (forgive me, please).

"Hi, I'm Taru. I'm known as the Longevity Coaching Queen because I help women transform the way they age to make it fearless, fulfilling, and fun!" Not bad. I like the "longevity" emphasis because that's what my program is all about, but I hadn't thought of it that way before this.

And…I am not done with my day, yet. But, almost.

Jen drove me home (thanks, Jen Jen), and I arrived around 6 pm. Then it was time for mindless TV until 8:30 pm when I got back on the computer to check the email I'd received during my long, long day. I put out a couple of fires from missing my email all day, put on some more face oil and eye brightener, and FINALLY crawled into bed to read until I went to sleep at 10 pm.

Not bad for an 81-year-old with some physical limitations. How do I do it? Hell, if I know. I'm one stubborn Bitch who refuses to give up and wants to help other women rise up and take over the world. Are you ready? Do you want some help? I am ready for you!




Women know

even when we don’t know

we still just ‘know’

you know?

and that is hard to explain

to those who don’t know

but we do, we just

quite simply


and the most sad thing

a woman can do

in this life, I think

is start to shut down

that knowing

that intuition

because it is a gift

from those fearless females

who passed before us

paving the way

with their bravery

their fire

their flame

so, go on, knowing

my friends

keep the knowing, flowing

it is your power.

-Donna Ashworth

From Wild Hope:




If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click on this link:

 Love and many Blessings to you - Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring