Hi Taru!

Today was a day I had to decide if I cared enough about my own well-being to take half the day off to replenish and love myself or stay home and feel stressed out about writing this Love-Letter to you all. Luckily, my husband suggested we drive to Santa Fe to visit my favorite dispensary, Fruit of the Earth, and then a fantastic grocery store, La Montanita Co-Op. It didn't take me long to decide some much-needed self-care was in order, so off we went.

Taru with Heart sign

Well, this ended up with me feeling rested, rejuvenated, and willing to put my thoughts about self-care here.

For those of you who were not subscribers on August 8, 2023, and therefore missed what was probably my most well-received Love-Letter, The "Me First" Principle, here's a link to it: bit.ly/3Z6U0Zp

I have gotten into the habit of being on my computer 5+ hours a day, seven days a week! Why? Well, as you have guessed from last week's L-L about Bright, Shiny Objects, I am a learning junkie. I'm also a practicing coach (for nearly 20 years) who needs to do some "joyful" marketing to be able to work with my new tribe of clients, which I am in the process of rebuilding.

A coach I love, Simone Seol, has given us some fantastic marketing and coaching tools I am working on mastering. She's brilliant, prolific, and cares. She has mini-courses on writing copy, How to Write Specific Copy, and one of my favorites, Non-Abusive Selling, as well as a phenomenal Podcast that I can't get enough of.

Part of this learning is figuring out how to use Canva to create fun and compelling Instagram posts, eBooks, Flyers, and more. I recently purchased a $37 course I saw on Facebook (where else!) and then had to ask for a refund as a significant part of it was in another language I don't speak! Luckily, my friend, Lasell, then turned me on to another one that seems to be great, so I'm back on the learning journey. I've never been visually creative but have always admired those who are. I hope you'll give me feedback on what I create so I can learn and improve as I go forward.

My trip to Santa Fe was rejuvenating and fun and set me up for being able to write this, the perfect example of how self-care creates the space to have enough energy to do things that need doing and have fun doing it.

I'd love to hear about how self-care works for you, so email me!



As you may have noticed, I LOVE Donna Ashworth's poetry, so here's another one that resonates with my post.


The older I get, the more I realize that all this talk of women having 'gone mad' is actually just women waking up one day, smelling the coffee, and feeling furious…

Furious that they twisted themselves like a pretzel all these years trying to conform to what others wanted them to be.

Furious that they didn't say no more, or more to the point, that they didn't say 'hell no' more.

Furious that they didn't say yes more, that they didn't feel they could put themselves first.

Furious that their feelings, their emotions and their desires were branded as 'hormonal' all these years, as a lame excuse to fob them off and not face up to bad behaviour.

And no, this is not just the menopause.

This is called awakening.

The older I get, the more I realize that women are not going mad.

In fact, they are becoming very very sane indeed.

- Donna Ashworth



My Transform the Way You Age Group Coaching Program has two wonderful women in it, both Coaches themselves! Together, we are fine-tuning the content in the first module, Health & Well-Being. We worked on Limiting Beliefs about Aging (1:1 with me), had an Introductory Zoom to meet one another, and tackled our first subject, Sleep! Monday, we get to have fun with how vital movement and strength are for us as we age and create strategies for integrating them into our lives. This is so much fun!

My next Module, Transitions, starts in May, so if you are interested, email me, and I'll add you to the Waitlist.



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click this link: https://bit.ly/3RpkWQW.

Love and many Blessings to you - Taru



Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring