Today's Tarot Card

Be Here Now Tarot Card

On July 4th, I sent out a special Love-Letter about our current Presidential election fiasco. I then FaceTimed one of my best friends and read it to her as I wanted her feedback. We agreed it had to be said, so I hit the Send button.

128 women out of 234 subscribers read it with -0- unsubscribes, and I received a number of emails thanking me for writing it. If you haven't read it, please do so now.

So why is this Be Here Now Tarot card significant? Because my friend and I had a long and painful discussion about our current political situation, and we became increasingly depressed about the choice we face in November.

After we completed our conversation, I began to realize how harmful worrying about what might happen was doing to both of us. Instead of living in the now as we had learned in our spiritual days together, we were projecting unthinkable conclusions and harming our mental health.

When I pulled this card to inspire me about what to write today, I saw the perfection in staying present, in the NOW, and from this space comes the peace and clarity I need to traverse these coming months until the November election.

I am one woman who only has one vote, and I will vote, as my life going forward depends on the outcome of the election. And it does. 

I'm terribly tempted to get a doggo so I have a fun and unpolitical playmate!


Kindness and Humor Matters

I gave up organized religion at age 7 when I walked out of Sunday School and went home. My Mother, a Presbyterian Minister's daughter, asked me why I left early. I answered, "Because they aren't telling the truth and are mean". My Mother was shocked and tried to force me to return, but I was a stubborn little girl ( I still am) and refused to return that day or any Sunday thereafter.

When I was 16, I thought, why not give it another try? So, I attended a Church near my house one Sunday, and halfway through the Sermon, I once again walked out, never to return. My mother asked me why, and I said, "He lies, and he's not a good person, especially how he is with girls."

I was, and still am, a very sensitive person who can't stand by when others are being unkind. As a Teenager, this got me into a lot of trouble with a gang of mean girls who proceeded to harass me all through High School after I stuck up for one of their victims.

Now, as an Elder, I feel an even greater responsibility to bring kindness into my daily interactions through the use of my quirky sense of humor with any and all I encounter. I've noticed I inject some humor in most of my daily interactions. I watch as people relax their faces and their bodies as they smile or laugh out loud. I like to say, "Laughter is the best medicine".

My husband, James, and I always go to each other's Doctor's appointments and playfully banter with each other to relieve tension and make a better connection with the healthcare staff and providers. They appreciate it, and we watch them relax and see us as human beings rather than merely patients.  We also do this in restaurants with the servers, when we sense they are overworked and stressed out, as well as leave a generous tip for great service.

When I disagree with someone, I try to do it lovingly and don't try to change their mind...I make an effort to create understanding and trust. I prefer to have a discussion, ask questions, and see where we are alike rather than create more division. It's much more helpful to understand their position rather than to think mine is best and bully someone into sharing my opinion.

Our world is facing increasing hatred of others not like ourselves, fearing violence, clinging to limiting beliefs, and creating an emotional climate of division instead of understanding.

The only way to ameliorate it is by starting with ourselves by creating bridges of understanding, kindness, non-seriousness (humor), and maintaining our sanity in what seems like a world gone mad.

Women are a big part of the solution, so let's step up and support one another with kindness, honesty, sisterhood, and PLAY. We must make our voices heard above the nasty noise thrown at us every day.

As Helen Reddy said, "I am strong. I am invincible, I am Woman. Here are links to her original version, and one in 2013,  She is so inspirational.

I've been told I am also inspirational and a lot of fun to hang out with, so come out of hiding and play with me, I PROMISE we'll laugh and  have so much fun.

You know how to reach me, so do it!



How many years of beauty do I have left?
she asks me.
How many more do you want?
Here. Here is 34. Here is 50.
When you are 80 years old
and your beauty rises in ways
your cells cannot even imagine now
and your wild bones grow luminous and
ripe, having carried the weight
of a passionate life.
When your hair is aflame
with winter
and you have decades of
learning and leaving and loving
sewn into
the corners of your eyes
and your children come home
to find their own history
in your face.
When you know what it feels like to fail
and have gained the
to rise and rise and rise again.
When you can make your tea
on a quiet and ridiculously lonely afternoon
and still have a song in your heart
Queen owl wings beating
beneath the cotton of your sweater.
Because your beauty began there
beneath the sweater and the skin,
This is when I will take you
into my arms and coo
you’ve come so far.
I see you.
Your beauty is breathtaking.

"Beneath The Sweater And The Skin"
by Jeannette Encinias


My Magic Mentoring Program

I've changed my focus from Coaching to Mentoring as I've come to not resonate with the word "Coach," a title I've held for nearly 20 years.

As I've changed my focus to empowering women to age powerfully instead of painfully, I'm changing my "title" to Mentor.

I've found that Mentorship is a relationship between two people where the mentor provides advice and guidance to their mentee to help them grow, learn, and develop skills and attitudes needed for growth.

Aging is my gig! I've got the NLP tools, a super resilient attitude, and my own  experience of aging as I'm closing in on 82!

I'm only offering 3-month mentoring packages, none longer. You can purchase this package at anytime, but because I'm nearing 82, I may not be around to play with you, even if you want to wait to experience my Magic Mentoring. So, if you sincerely want to play with me to transform the way you age, do not wait!

Right now, I have spaces for a few 1:1 mentoring clients, so don't wait for "someday" when you have your shit together. None of us knows how long we have left in this precious body to live life full out. Not one of us.

Your timing is the right timing, so trust yourself to know when the time is right for YOU. I trust and respect you to make the choice that's right.

My website needs updating, so contact me for more information and pricing; you'll be pleasantly surprised.


This Week's Gift To You

My offer is either a complimentary Tarot Card Reading, or a free 45-minute Virtual Call-A-Crone Chat about anything…all at no cost or obligation. That said, given any limitations on my energy I may encounter, there will be times when I have to take care of myself first and say no, and ask you to reschedule.

Why am I offering this? Because some of you may not have the funds to work with me on a paid basis, and I still want to provide value for your participation in reading and responding to my Love-Letters, even if you haven't yet decided to become a paying friend.

I live for doing this work, and would love to live a little longer.


My Ask...

I deeply appreciate your readership and would love it if you refer my L-L-’s to your friends and acquaintances so they may also find value. So, if you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And, if  they want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, here's the link to subscribe and receive it:


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring