Today's Tarot & Pendulum

20240615 Tarot-Pendulum

I used my Pendulum to see if I should even attempt to write this L-L today. The pendulum was a bit reluctant to give me guidance, so I waited, used it over a beautiful piece of wood, and it indicated a so-so "yes".  I was still not satisfied as I had been very tired from not getting enough sleep last night, and I've been feeling a bit down and lonely today. So, I ended up with this card, and it was so accurate that I decided to write. Oh, the competition was between two sides of my mind, a "yes" and a "no".  I chose "YES".


You can't always be upbeat, even if you try!

I feel a real obligation to write this Love-Letter each week, even if I occasionally initially balk at doing it. 99% of the time, I am eager to write and feel a sense of excited anticipation.

Today was different. I started hormone therapy recently, and I'm not feeling like myself. I only slept 5 hours last night, not enough for me, and I woke up feeling like a cranky pants...I applied my Testosterone Cream right away as instructed, and got up.

I noticed I was still feeling weird, even after I took the 2nd hormone, Progesterone. My husband was leaving for 4-5 hours (lucky guy), so I settled in to do some WORK.

It was a big mistake as I became angrier and angrier at a healthcare system that had quoted me one price for my 90-day supply of Armour Thyroid and then added on nearly $40 after they shipped it. Grrr!

As the day wore on, I tried to calm down and get back to my quirky but positive frame of mind. Nope, and not only "nope", but Hell no. I fixed myself a rather uninspiring lunch and tried to cheer myself up by watching my favorite TV show, Bridgerton, and it had a twist that was so depressing for me I gave up trying to make myself feel better and took a nap.

Nap over, I went to my trusty Pendulum to ask about doing this Love-Letter, and it grudgingly gave me a "maybe", so I picked up my Sacred She Tarot deck, placed it on top of a binder on my desk. It promptly fell on the floor, scattering cards hither and yon. There were only 2 cards facing upward with the images; the rest were showing the back side of the card. As you can see from my picture above, one of them was perfect.

That said, I am allowing myself the freedom to be imperfect, grouchy, tired, and  not fake it here with you, my precious readers. I trust you will understand my short and rather depressing Love-Letter this week. It's what's happening and I feel comfortable enough to share it with you.

I'm hoping this hormone therapy will calm itself down by next week so I can have fun with this once again. I'm off to watch mindless TV with El Hubbo, eat some Cosmic Bliss ice cream (that's really its' name) and see if I can lift my spirits.

P.S. When my sweetheart, James, came home he gave me a big hug and took me out to an early dinner of Burgers and was delicious.




The worst thing you can be is not fat,
or ugly,
or stupid.
The worst thing you can be,
is not different,
or awkward,
or ‘too much’.
The worst thing you can be,
is locked in a prison of your own self-doubt,
riddled with insecurities,
afraid to venture out into this life,
lest the world see who you really are.
In short,
the worst thing you can be,
is someone else.
When you were only ever meant to be

- Donna Ashworth

‘I Wish I knew’:





My gift is either a complimentary Tarot Card Reading, a free 45-minute Virtual Call-A-Crone Chat about anything, and even a 1:1 email conversation…all at no cost or obligation.

That said, given any limitations on my energy I may encounter, there will be times when I have to take care of myself first and say no.

Why am I offering this? Because some of you may not have the funds to work with me on a paid basis, and I still want to provide value for your participation in reading and responding to my Love-Letters, even if you haven't yet decided to become a paying friend.

I live for doing this work, and would love to live a little longer!



I deeply appreciate it if you would refer my L-L-’s to your friends and acquaintances so they may find value, too. So, if you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And, if  they want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, here's the link to subscribe and receive it:


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring