
The Zombie in Her Sleep Mask


No Tarot Card Today - No Lengthy Love-Letter

Sleep is on my mind as I've had some fierce insomnia for five days now, and it's been winning. Even my usual daily napping isn't working...Grrr! And now my EOE is acting up.

Well, I am eager to believe that this, too, shall pass. I've never had it for so many days in a row.

I blame it on the new hormone therapy my PCP prescribed: testosterone. I quit using it five days ago, but I'm still having severe and unremitting sleep issues like I've never had before.

I left a message about this with my current (but soon-not-to-be) PCP on Monday about this, and she has failed to respond to me in any way. This is not the first time!

And today, I have to miss a party I've been excited to attend because I am so exhausted. I'm not happy about it.

This means I'm taking today off and resting, so this Love-Letter is short, very short, and nearly non-existent ;-).

I love you all and hope YOU are able to rest when your body talks to you. It works so hard for us, and we need to honor its messages, even though we might like to push through.

So, here's some inspiration for us from one of my favorite Poets, Donna Ashworth:


I hope there are days when the sun shines directly on you. When Mother Nature takes your hand and leads you to her most beautiful creations whispering 'you are one too.' I hope there are days when your taste buds dance with delight, your mind is kind, and your body feels like home again. I hope there are days when life feels like a gift. And I hope today is one of those days. I really do.

- Donna Ashworth

Wild Hope: https://amzn.eu/d/2j0Nquu



My offer is either a complimentary 1-card Tarot Card Reading or a free 45-minute Virtual Call-A-Crone Chat about anything…all at no cost or obligation. That said, given any limitations on my energy I may encounter, there may be times when I have to take care of myself first and say no and offer another time.

Because some of you may not have the funds to work with me on a paid basis, I still want to provide value for your participation in reading and responding to my Love-Letters, even if you haven't yet decided to become a paying friend. 

I live for doing this work and would love to live a little longer!



I deeply appreciate your readership and would deeply appreciate it if you would refer my L-L-'s to your friends and acquaintances so they may find value, too.

So, if you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And, if  they want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, here's the link to subscribe and receive it: https://bit.ly/3RpkWQW


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring