Good Afternoon! Why am I wearing a sleep mask and headphones? Well, each afternoon at around 2 pm, I take a 20-minute power nap to recharge and finish the day strong. I've been doing this since I was 55, and it's really helped me do my self-care and be more productive. I use an excellent app called Pzizz which is available through the Apple App Store. What are you doing for your self-care?





Could you read the title of this article? No? Well, that's because I made it INVISIBLE, like women over 55 start to become. That's what started happening to me, especially after I hit 60.  

I thought I was used to it until it happened to me recently in a small Zoom meeting when a new and obviously younger woman joined the group. I'm a long-time member of this group, and I noticed that when she interacted, she ignored me and any input I was trying to provide. I thought to myself, "not this, again," and became angry inside and stopped interacting. I hid it from the group and, after it was over, started thinking about my reaction and how I had handled it.

I thought deeper about what might have brought her to disrespect me. I realized she was afraid of engaging with me as she was clearly concerned about her looks and image, and the thought of growing older and looking that way was frightening for her.

I immediately understood it was not me, per se, and knew I had to figure out a way to make myself visible and not accept my invisibility. I've decided if this happens again, and it will, I will make myself visible by approaching the person, making eye contact, and asking them questions about themselves. This may not work with everyone, but that's not the point. The point is to make MYSELF visible and not wait for anyone else to do it for me!

Have you ever felt "invisible"? What is your strategy for combating it? I'd love to hear from you!


Speaking of fun…would you like to explore the world of the Silk Road' Stans direct from the comfort of home? 

Many people include travel on their bucket lists, but at a certain point, in-person travel becomes challenging for some. My colleague Rikki Quintana, founder of HoonArts Fair Trade, is launching an innovative virtual travel program that you might be interested in.

It's a  live, interactive Silk Road Design Encounter "Traveler" Program perfect for art and travel fans who would love to explore the unknown culture of the Silk Road Stans but don't feel like they can enjoy in-person travel right now.  

Each program is limited to 8 participants, and all Zoom sessions will be recorded, so you don't have to worry about missing any sessions. For more information and to register for the Uzbekistan series, click here. For the Tajikistan series, click here. And if you are interested, hurry on over to browse Rikki's website at  


If each of us knew how much time we had allocated,
perhaps we could play around with it.
But we don’t.
Believing tomorrow to be a guarantee,
is the biggest mistake we make.
Not seizing every day like the gift that it is,
is the biggest risk we take.
Waste time wisely my friend.
Time spent in rest, joy, company and kindness,
is never wasted.
As for the rest, just do it.
You won’t regret the things you tried and failed at,
but you will regret a life spent waiting.
Waiting for anything is a dangerous game because there is no guarantee the conditions will ever be just right.
Those who wait, wait..
but you,
you have a life to live.
Right here, right now.
- Donna Ashworth


I'm accepting new clients for my pilot program, Transform the Way You Age Group Coaching Program. The program begins with six women wanting to change age-ing into sage-ing and have fun doing it! And because it's a pilot and I'll ask for your honest and valuable feedback, you'll get a reduced price!

We'll begin by identifying your limiting beliefs about aging, move on to create your own model of health and wellness, discover your body's wisdom, develop resiliency if you have physical limitations, and much more.

If you're interested or want more details, email me at And if you want to start coaching with me immediately individually, I am ready!







Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring