Beloved Readers,

This will be a bit short today as I am feeling poorly and my energy is low. I hope you like this mini-version!

JAF 1960 Graduation PicWho is this Woman?

 It's me in 1960 at age 18, and this is my obligatory graduation photo. I was 19 when I married my high school boyfriend and 20 when my first of three sons, Michael, was born, with a second son, Tony, who was born 16 months later in 1963. And here's a picture of them. They were beautiful children; smart, cute, and a real handful. I also worked full-time at San Jose State College, so I was overwhelmed a lot of the time. 

Mike -Tony  as babies on a couch

I was so young and, as an only child who had never babysat or been around babies, I was terrified. I had to learn as I went along with the help of my trusty Dr. Spock book. My Mother came to help me for all of a few days when I brought my first son, Michael, home from the hospital. I didn't see her much after that. However,  we made it through somehow.

My third son, Matthew, was born 5 years later and it was so much easier to be a real Mother to him as I had plenty of practice by that time. Here he is as a Toddler:

Matt as a baby

So there's a smidgen of my early days as a Mom. While it was very challenging given the circumstances of my marriage at such an early age, I am so grateful to have given birth to such beautiful, smart, compassionate, and loving children. They are my joy!




Joy does not arrive with a fanfare, 

on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.

Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee,

watching the sunlight hit your favourite tree, 

just right.

And you usher joy away,

because you are not ready for it. 

Your house is not as it should be,

for such a distinguished guest.

But joy cares nothing for your messy home, 

or your bank-balance,

or your waistline, you see.

Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life,

that’s how joy works.

You cannot truly invite her, 

you can only be ready when she appears.

And hug her with meaning,

because in this very moment, 

joy chose you.

- Donna Ashworth



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click on this link:



Because you are a loyal subscriber to my Love-Letters, I want to gift you a complimentary 45-minute Call-A-Crone Virtual Chat. I promise this is NOT any kind of sales call; it's meant to give you some of my insights to shed light on any situation with which you feel you need some quick help. I love doing this work and have time in my schedule right now. So click on this link to schedule,  or send me an email at right away. It's going to be transformative!

Love and many Blessings to you - Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring