Keep Moving and Grooving!

At 81, I feel more alive than I've ever felt. While I could stand to lose another 25 pounds, I know I am basically healthy. The healthy foods I eat, the Safe Strength® strength training I do each week in our Alive! Fitness Studio and the walking I have re-started doing have made a massive difference in how I move through my life and feel about being alive. The strength training has created a body that has muscles I can use, muscles I can actually feel as I walk up a steep path on the trails near our home. It feels magnificent to be able to move, especially after breaking four bones in my foot earlier this year and ending up in a wheelchair!

If this is possible for me, it's also possible for other women approaching mid-life who may feel the way I used to feel -- helpless, hopeless, and having little to no energy. It is possible to turn your life around at ANY age. It all starts with loving yourself enough to begin taking care of yourself, spending time and money on your health needs, and understanding that you will have little to give others until you create a reserve of life energy in yourself. And it makes life so much more fun!

I read something recently in my friend Marian Van Eyck McCain's book, "Elderwomen: reap the wisdom, feel the power, embrace the joy,” where she relates that she learned that "none of us really has anything to offer except the quality of our presence.” It struck my heart as if a knife had pierced it -- I immediately saw the extraordinary truth in that simple sentence. I realized the quality of my presence had started to degrade because of my current overly busy lifestyle and a lack of healthy habits. I had become so busy re-starting my coaching/mentoring practice, taking multiple online courses, and helping my husband with our fitness business that I had lost sight of the importance of just "being.” I had reverted to an old, old pattern of doing and, in the process, I had begun to lose myself again. I encourage every “aging“ woman to read Marian's book. It is a sourcebook of Elderwomen’s wisdom and a constant source of support in aging consciously.

What keeps me alive and active is my mission and dedication to working with women 50+ to approach aging consciously, with joy and inspiration, creating a new life filled with passion for living, making a difference, and helping heal their corner of the world.

Think about what healthy activities you can bring into your life, and if possible, make them fun and easy!


Call-A-Crone - Me!

This is an offer you can't refuse, worries either way. Here goes.

I’m SO excited about my new Call-A-Crone program I had to invite you! It’s at no cost… zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing, and creates NO obligation on your part. And it will be both fun and impactful.

It’s a free 45-minute Call-A-Crone virtual conversation with me about your personal concerns around aging and reclaiming your power as a woman. I’ll share my insights about possible solutions, strategies, etc., specifically tailored for you. 

I promise we’ll both have fun, and you’ll get your answers.

Why am I doing this? I want to be of service and help create a world where women shed their invisibility, are honored for their wisdom, and take their power back. I also get to hear your aging concerns, which helps me create a better coaching/mentoring program going forward. It’s a win-win! And I’ve been told I am a lot of fun to hang out with.

If you want to join me, here is the link to schedule, If none of those times work for you, email me at, or call me at 650-995-4343 and we’ll figure it out. If this isn’t of interest to you, no problem.

If you know of any other women who could use this, please pass this info on to them.

I did one yesterday, and it was so much fun! And I have 2 more already scheduled, so don't wait.


Cool Resource

If you or someone you know living in New Mexico is deciding which Medicare plan is right for you, you've got to call my dear friend, Marena Drlik.  She recently helped me decide on a new plan that will serve me so much better than the one I currently have.

She’s an independent insurance broker currently representing seven Medicare insurance carriers in New Mexico. She’s here, ready to help and answer your questions all year long. Give her a call or email her if you are interested in having a conversation and need help making a decision about what's best for your situation. Here's her contact info:

Phone: 505-531-0068
To get information on all of your options, you can contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP).


A day is not lost if you failed to tick off a list, or a diet was broken.

A day is only lost if you forgot to say something kind to yourself, or another.

If you forgot to pause and search for a tiny spark of beauty amongst the drudgery, glimmering like gold in the mud.

A day is only lost if you forgot that life, even in the worst of times, is still a gift.

A gift you so very much deserve to live through

and not just survive.

- Donna Ashworth

‘Wild Hope’


Sending lots of love your way my dear readers - Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring