These are words to live by, and I do all I can to live by them every day. 

The world has become less kind, less joyful, more divisive, and very stressful.

Let us remember the above words and apply them to our lives for all our sakes. 


An Elderwoman of the Tribe: My First Season of Life


At 81, I should be considered an Elderwoman of my tribe. However, in our society, Elderwomen are often greeted with derision rather than respect, unlike the Native American culture, where Elders are given a place of respect and honor for their wisdom.

So, I am taking my courage in hand and revealing myself to you all. Here I am, in the last season of my life, to share with you some of the ways I have lived my truth in every season of my life, and both the cost to me and the rewards. Here's the first season. Hang on — it's a wild ride!

In the first season of my life, I knew early on that the only way I could live was to follow my heart, another way of saying "live my truth." When I was five or six years old, I made friends with a sweet Black girl named Suzie. We were great friends; I hung out at her house after school, ate cookies, and we had lots of fun. So, when the other little girls confronted me, "Why are you playing with that n***** (that ugly, mean, and racist expletive)? I was bewildered. Didn't they see beyond her skin? Didn't they see the light I saw shining out from her? Didn't they realize she was just like us, only in a different container? My only response to them was that she was a really lovely girl, lots of fun to play with, and her Mom made great cookies. Did I stop playing with her? No, and so they ceased to play with me. I remember feeling hurt, but I continued to play with her anyway. I knew they were wrong, and I was stubborn (I still am). The cost was a few lost playmates. The reward was my determination to stand firm in my beliefs and values despite my own difficult experiences.

In my junior year in high school, I was hanging out with the popular cheerleaders — we were kind and friendly girls. Come senior year, the other not-so-nice group co-opted my sweet friends and tried to get me to go along with their new "gang" (they were called a gang even in those days) by inviting me to lunch with them at the drugstore lunch counter. When I refused, they ostracized me and tried to terrorize me for my entire senior year. It didn't help that I also wrecked their plans for humiliating a mentally challenged girl whom they had told to go to our downtown park at midnight because a boy wanted to meet her; I found her and said he wasn't able to make it and advised her not to come. Again, I refused to go with the crowd and continued to be friends with the people they considered unpopular — the real people with whom I found value. It's not as if I wanted to be unpopular – no teenage girl wants that — it's just that I couldn't stand injustice, hatred, and cruelty, and I would have no part of it. The cost was a senior year from hell. The reward was developing an even more finely honed sense of who I was and what I stood for and knowing that I could face that kind of social torture and survive.

Our world is currently filled with war, cruelty, death, and so much grief. I stand with all the innocent victims of these horrific acts and not with any of the so-called "leaders" who create and then perpetuate the violence. And, while I am helpless to stop it, I can spread kindness and love in my part of the world. It is so needed now.

Think of some examples of kindness you have given in your own life, and honor yourself for it. Think about how you can spread love and compassion immediately and act on it.

I am here to listen deeply, radiate love, and help you heal these wounds. I offer it freely, without ANY obligation, so if you'd like to avail yourself of my help, schedule a Virtual Chat at you prefer to talk without video or at another time, email me at to arrange a call.



Me...I am here and ready to listen deeply without any obligation. I want to help any of you who want to connect with me. We need to support one another in these troubling times.




It must have been a terrifying sight to behold,

a group of witches gathered by firelight,

chanting, conjuring spirits, creating spells…

No wonder some were afraid.

But I think it was just women.

Being women.

Coming together, as they very much must,

to support one another,

to share their battles and pull each other

through the flames

they faced daily.

Sharing remedies, medicines

and ways to heal.

And believing they were so much more than told,

than allowed.

It is little wonder that the power of this union would appear like magic, to the unknowing eye.

But I think it was just women.

Doing what we do,

every day.


- Donna Ashworth

'Wild Hope'



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click on this link:




 If I announce it, I will have to take courage in hand and DO it, so here goes. I am starting a podcast, The Confident, Quirky CannaCrone Chronicles! It's still in the planning stages, so once I am ready to launch, you will be the first to know. I want to do it weekly for 20 minutes or less, and there won't be any guests, at least to start. 

I'm asking for feedback on which topics on aging are of interest to you, so I sincerely appreciate your help. If you can spare a few minutes, either schedule a Virtual Chat here: or email me at

I promise you we will have tons of FUN! 

I'd love to hear from you...why? Because I am doing it for YOU. We women have to come together to make our world a better place. We have the wisdom to make a difference, which is so needed.




Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring