I have a Caption Contest!

This is going to be so much fun! Create a caption for this photo of me. I'll pick the one I love most. You'll get a fun and enlightening Tarot Card reading and we'll also use my Pendulum for an answer to one of your burning questions! Email me with your creative caption at taru@tarufisher.com.

Tarot Deck-Pendulum


I Can't Do it All and Be Successful

A few days ago, I was coming back from running an errand when I realized I had more important things to do. I had an “ah ha” moment about how I try to do everything and how it is physically and emotionally impossible. I had thought that before, on an intellectual level, but today I felt it in my entire being.

My mind was racing again as I thought of the thirty-odd things I had to do, all seemingly critical to my success as a coach. As I did a FaceTime call with my friend Devi, I whined about how much work I’d had to do on getting my courses, etc., up and running on my new online coaching business system; I whined to my other friend, Anupa, about a visit from an old friend that had created more unfinished work for me to do. In retrospect, It seems like I whined to every unfortunate soul I came in contact with that day - ick!

As I listened to myself, I began to feel uncomfortable at how un-resourceful I sounded and how I sounded like a freaking victim -- which I definitely am not! I stopped in my tracks and looked at what work I was doing and realized how much I had accomplished and that much of it I enjoyed; it was fun and challenging. I had allowed an old habit of not being present to what was happening to sidetrack me from noticing what I was doing at that moment, moving from one task to the next intuitively and gracefully and enjoying myself.

A couple of years ago, to cut expenses and stay in business, I took back the bookkeeping, let my VA go, and put my nose to the grindstone--OK, you youngsters out there may not know that metaphor, but just visualize it and see how much fun (NOT) that is. I stopped going to events that cost too much money and began to shrink instead of grow.

There is no way I can succeed in my coaching business or relationships if I continue to do it all and feel overwhelmed. Doing everything leaves no room for “being,” no room for creativity, and no room for spending time with family and friends.

In late December of 2022, I became ill with some flu bug (not COVID) and was knocked flat on my back for a month. I was exhausted and had very little stamina, and I often felt like I was “coming down with something.” This illness was a wake-up call to STOP doing and return to being with what is; to find those places, people, and events that bring joy and growth and go for it.

As I let my ideas and old habits drop away, I became still and saw the absolute perfection in what I had chosen to do at that moment. Past moments dropped away, future tripping stopped, and I went for a walk -- I simply let go and followed the flow of what was right in each moment, and it was perfect and effortless and fun.

I feel a certain sense of freedom now and much less stress as I let go of things that don’t serve my purpose and add back activities that bring me joy.

The older I get, the better I see the unconscious moments and move away from them. I like aging and becoming wiser, and I’m making FUN, my middle name!






Transform the Way You Age Group Program-PILOT PROGRAM

Most coaches do not address Aging and instead focus on entrepreneurship, relationships, or changing the outer circumstances of their client's lives, rather than addressing the core issues we women face as we age. These core issues that, if addressed and solved, will allow us to continue to greet life with joy, and freedom from constant worry about getting older.

Imagine wearing whatever you like, regardless of your age.

Imagine lighting up a room with your elder energy instead of feeling invisible.

Imagine how amazing you will feel once you have a plan in place for aging well, with confidence and joy in your daily life.

Imagine doing this with a group of six caring, supportive women who are playing together, supporting one another,  and having fun.

This is my Transform the Way You Age Group Coaching Pilot Program!

This is a pilot program, and entry is only available through January 30th.

You'll be part of a 6-woman group of like-minded women who will provide support, share their knowledge, and cheer you on. 

I offer 3 levels of pricing for this 3-month Pilot program: $1800, $1200, and $600, with 3-equal monthly payments if that's needed. Those who can pay the top price are paying it forward for other women who cannot afford that price.

My next program will not be a pilot, and the price will double.

So why am I offering the Pilot so inexpensively? Because I’m counting on you to give me really honest feedback about what you like and what you don’t like so then the next program will be even more spectacular! You will co-create with me a valuable coaching/mentoring program for women who want to transform their aging journey.

Why am I not making this an Evergreen lifetime program? Because I’m 81, and who knows how long my lifetime is going to be? So, I don’t want to have you buy into something “lifetime” that may have a short duration.

I’m not saying this to create some kind of unethical marketing urgency. But it’s the truth, not just for me, but also for you. Why? Because we never know how long we’re going to live. It’s kind of a crapshoot given the world we live in, and I’m pretty sure I may (or may not) make it to my Grandma‘s age of 96, dancing till midnight on her last Birthday, going to sleep, and then not waking up.

Get this program while I’m alive and kicking! With nearly 20 years of coaching and mentoring experience, I am very good at what I do! I love helping women create a richer, more satisfying life. I’ve done it myself, so I know how. 

I'm offering 3-tiers of pricing based on your ability to pay because I need to test the Pilot for my Transform the Way You Age Group Program, and I need your feedback. This offer is limited to six  4 women (2 have already signed up), so schedule a Discovery Session at https://tarufisher.coachesconsole.com/calendar or send an email to me at taru@tarufisher.com right away. It's going to be absolutely transformative!



If you know any women who would benefit from reading this, please forward it to them. And if you (or they) want to get my 10 Tips For Powerful Aging, click on this link: https://bit.ly/3RpkWQW

Love and many Blessings to you - Taru


Taru Fisher
Alive! Fitness Studio LLC/Seasons of Life Mentoring